Physics: Assessment
Keystage: KS4
Subject: Physics
Resource type: Assessment
Skills: Aiming High, Problem Solving
Click to download the resource (updated 15 January 2025)
If your students have completed all physics lessons, they are now ready to take on the physics assessment. Students assess distance time graphs to look at journeys for a logistics company. Students have 30 minutes to complete this assessment activity and there are a total of 26 marks available. Good luck!
Career Spotlight
Support the transport planner at Total Transport Ltd, Pete, and work with data to determine the speed, distance, and time of additional journeys completed by the company’s driver, Len.
Skills Builder Links
Here is a recap of the Skills Builder links developed during the chemistry lessons:
Aiming high step 4
I work with a positive approach to new challenges.
Problem solving step 5
I explore problems by thinking about the pros and cons of possible solutions.

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