1. Maths: Geometry and measures

Keystage: KS4

Subject: Maths

Resource type: Lesson

Skills: Creativity

Click to download the resource (updated 15 January 2025)

Downsizing with LearnE: Modern working life is changing – with many employees now working between home and the office. Employees have the freedom to choose their workplace and working hours, they typically visit the office to attend face-to-face meetings and socialise with colleagues. Consequently, companies no longer require large office space. Many are downsizing and looking for exciting, dynamic workspaces to inspire their staff. Students step into the role of an Interior Designer working with LearnE and help them to choose the most appropriate office space.

Career Spotlight

Interior Designer

Skills Builder Links

Creativity step 10
I develop ideas by considering different perspectives.

Curriculum Table

England: The national curriculum (England)Geometry and measures
Pupils should be taught to calculate surface areas and volumes of spheres, pyramids, cones and composite solids.
Scotland: National 5 MathematicsGeometric skills
Calculating the volume of a standard solid (sphere, cone, pyramid) and calculating the area of a sector.
Wales: WJEC GCSE Mathematics specificationGeometry and measure
Calculate the surface area, cross-sectional area and volume of cubes, cuboids, prisms, cylinders and composite solids.

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