4. English: Discuss interview prep
Keystage: KS4
Subject: English
Resource type: Lesson
Skills: Speaking
Click to download the resource (updated 15 January 2025)
How to Shine at Interview: In this activity, students become Accounting Apprentices and prepare for an interview. Vitho, the CEO at Hawk UK, has written a blog for the company’s website entitled ‘How to Shine at Interview’. Students have been invited to Hawk UK’s head office to interview for an apprenticeship. After reading Vitho’s blog, students must practise for their interview and consider how they might answer some common interview questions.
Career Spotlight
Accounting Apprentice
Skills Builder Links
Speaking step 7
I speak engagingly by using facts and examples to support my points.
Curriculum Table
England: The national curriculum (England) | Spoken English Pupils should be taught to speak confidently, audibly and effectively, including through working effectively in groups of different sizes and taking on required roles, including leading and managing discussions, involving others productively, reviewing and summarising, and contributing to meeting goals/deadlines. |
Scotland: SQA National 5 English | Performance – spoken language Employs detailed and relevant ideas and/or information using a structure appropriate to purpose and audience. |
Wales: WJEC GCSE in English language specification | Oracy skills Respond constructively and critically to a wide range of written and digital/dynamic texts, making effective contributions, using creative approaches to exploring issues, solving problems and developing ideas. |

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