Business: Assessment

Keystage: KS4

Subject: Business

Resource type: Assessment

Skills: Aiming High, Creativity, Listening, Problem Solving, Speaking, Teamwork

Click to download the resource (updated 15 January 2025)

If your students have completed all all five business lessons, they are now ready to take on the business assessment activity. Students are given a case study on a sportswear brand. Acting as a business consultant, students are asked questions on finance, HR and marketing to help guide the business back to profitability. Students have 30 minutes to complete this assessment and there are a total of 25 marks available. Good luck!

Career Spotlight

ADSports is a leading sportswear brand in the UK which has over 540 stores. The company was set up in 1988 and has grown organically during that time.

ADSports sponsors a large number of successful sporting teams and leading sporting events and through these sponsorships it has established itself as a premium sportswear brand. ADSports, in recent years, has attempted to develop its brand even further by capitalising on the growing fitness market in the UK.

To capitalise on this market, ADSports opened 100 gyms in 2019 where members pay for their membership annually and – although initial membership and net profit was high – it has struggled since the Covid-19 pandemic to return a profit from its gym operation.

ADSports have called in a leading business consultancy firm to overlook their gym operation.

Skills Builder Links

Here is a recap of the Skills Builder links developed during the five business lessons:

Aiming high step 4
I work with a positive approach to new challenges.

Creativity step 6
I use creativity in the context of work.

Listening step 5
I listen to others and record important information as I do

Listening step 7
I show I am listening by using open questions to deepen my understanding.

Problem solving step 4
I explore problems by creating different possible solutions.

Problem solving step 5
I explore problems by thinking about the pros and cons of possible solutions.

Speaking step 5
I speak effectively by using appropriate language.

Teamwork step 6
I contribute to group decision making.

Teamwork step 7
I contribute to group decision making, whilst recognising the value of others’ ideas.

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