1. English: Discuss recruitment ads

Subject: English

Resource type: Lesson

Skills: Leadership, Speaking

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Join Our Team: In this activity, students critique the work of the Head of Marketing to assess how successful they have been in their attempts to attract future employees to the business. Access our comprehensive resource package, including detailed teacher notes, PowerPoint, student worksheet and answer sheet. Adapt to your classroom’s needs for a dynamic learning experience.


Hawk UK, a national marketing agency, want to attract the brightest employees in order to best serve their clients’ needs. They are specifically looking for people with expertise in social media content creation, graphic design, user-centred AI and website development.

The Head of Marketing and the Head of Early Talent at Hawk UK have been working on the copy for the company’s new ‘Join Our Team’ webpage.

Learning Aim

To make effective contributions within a group discussion.

Skills Builder Links

Leadership step 5
I manage group discussions to reach shared decisions.

Speaking step 5
I speak effectively by using appropriate language.

Curriculum Table

England: The national curriculum (England)Spoken English
Pupils should be taught to speak confidently, audibly and effectively, including through working effectively in groups of different sizes and taking on required roles, including leading and managing discussions, involving others productively, reviewing and summarising, and contributing to meeting goals/deadlines.
Scotland: The National 5 Business ManagementPerformance – spoken language
Employs detailed and relevant ideas and/or information using a structure appropriate to purpose and audience.
Wales: WJEC GCSE in business specificationOracy skills
Respond constructively and critically to a wide range of written and digital/dynamic texts, making effective contributions, using creative approaches to exploring issues, solving problems and developing ideas.